a Socio Unico
Via Londra, 50/52
20831 Seregno (MB)
P.I. 00881070965                          
C.F. 07980330158  
Tel. e Fax +39 0362 320425
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


To contact us

Fields marked by * must be filled in.

Please insert First Name and Surname! Min 5 Max 100 characters.
Insert Company name! Min 5 Max 100 characters.
Insert Address! Min 5 Max 100 characters.
Insert ZIP Code! Min 5 Max 20 characters.
Insert City! Min 5 Max 100 characters.
Insert Country! Min 5 Max 100 characters.
Insert Phone Number! Min 5 Max 50 characters.
Insert E-mail ! Min 5 Max 100 characters.
Insert Message ! Min 10 Max 500 characters.
You must agree Privacy Policy to send us an email !


As from D. Lgs. N.196/2003 (Privacy regulation) concerning personal data processing, we inform that personal data acquired by any relation with our Company are collected and processed by tools and procedures suitable to assure security and reserve (also by hard/software), and only for purposes of business relation and/or according to the law.

In detail::

  • A. Collecting of data required each time is indispensable to establish and work out any contract with our Company.

  • B. All data, including those processed by Ourselves, will not be spreaded or notified for cases unrelated to law terms and conditions and permitted procedures.

  • C. Data are processed as related to contractual requirements and consequent accomplishment of fiscal/legal obligations, as well as to enable an effective management of financial and commercial relations.

  • D. Holder of data processing is Officina Meccanica Malpassi srl.

  • E. Collected data may be passed to people involved in our work (person in charge at our Factory, our consultants) within limits needed to develop their job inside our Company – or social, welfare, insurance, fiscal Agencies.

  • F. Owners of personal data collected by our Company have faculty (for existing and processing of the same) to exert their rights as from clause 7 of D. Lgs. 196/2003.

To all intents and purposes of clause 13 of D. Lgs. 196/2003, state your written agreement to processing and possible resulting communications, as well as your obligation to inform as about any changes of data in our possession.

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